Wednesday, September 27, 2023

 Exploring the Journey of Practice Teaching

As I embark on this journey of practice teaching, I am filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. This journal will serve as a chronicle of my experiences, reflections, and growth as I step into the role of an educator. Through these pages, I hope to not only document my daily encounters but also engage in a deeper exploration of the art and science of teaching.

Teaching is an art because it requires creativity, adaptability, and the ability to inspire and engage students. It is a science because it relies on research-based strategies, pedagogical theories, and an understanding of the diverse needs of learners. In this journal, I aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice, learning from both my successes and challenges.

My primary goal during this practice teaching period is to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued and empowered. I will strive to create lessons that are informative, meaningful, and relevant to the lives of my students. I understand that building rapport, effective communication, and continuous self-reflection are essential components of effective teaching, and I intend to delve into these aspects deeply.

In the following pages, I will share daily reflections on my teaching experiences, insights gained from interactions with students, and observations of my mentor's guidance. I anticipate moments of triumph and moments of frustration, and I commit to being honest with myself in recording them. Through this journal, I aim to grow not only as a teacher but also as a lifelong learner.

Ultimately, this journal is a personal and professional exploration of the transformative power of education. I hope that by documenting my practice teaching journey, I can contribute to a broader conversation on effective teaching strategies, classroom management, and the profound impact educators have on the lives of their students.

I invite you to join me on this educational odyssey, where together, we will uncover the joys and challenges of practice teaching and, in doing so, continue to elevate the art and science of education.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Bad Genius: School, Teachers, and the Students

The Bad Genius

    As a place of learning, the school is also liable for the activities of its pupils. For children to successfully adjust to or comprehend the purpose of school in their lives, they must meet their needs. The learner has to understand the purpose of the institution and what lessons should be taught there.

    Teachers must be expected to lead in assessment. Additionally, they must assess and critique the actions that the pupils should do in the given circumstance. As a prospective teacher, I can affirm that each student in the school benefits much from evaluation. No matter if you're a pupil or a teacher, it is necessary for everyone. For us to know what has to be changed in our instruction and what our students are interested in, we must assess them.

    The institution, especially the instructor, must uphold the values of the pupils in the classroom. However, we may also learn from this movie that intellect is not everything. The movie claims that it is not about how brilliant you are as a student. The working world appreciates morality and attitude more than intelligence because, after all, what use is information if we don't put it to good use? More significant than intelligence is one's attitude.

    The movie "Bad Genius" teaches us that money is what makes the world go around. We see how money influences people's behavior, grants them power, and—perhaps most obviously—makes them greedy. The underlying lesson this film conveys to everyone is that we genuinely depend on and care about money so much that we have a tendency to do evil. Given that it is never utilized for good in this film, money is represented as the root of all evil. The growth of Lynn's and Bank's characters demonstrates how whether pure or bad, money can drive individuals to change.

~Sir Juls :)

The Bad Genius: Different Characteristics of the Characters


The Bad Genius 

    It is literally all spoken in the film. I genuinely enjoy the way the movie is from beginning to conclusion. It displays the many traits of a learner. The movie features four major characters named Lynn, Bank, Pat, and Grace.

Lynn is a bright student and the only child of a struggling country schoolteacher who yet manages to send his one and only daughter to a prestigious institution. Lynn wanted to support her father in this position and made an effort to live a practical life. Lynn used a variety of methods to assist her friends with their test preparation, and in return, they paid her well.

Bank is similarly intelligent to Lynn in that both of them are struggling financially. He is with her mother, who is doing the laundry as her profession or employment. Bank is the only person Father Lynn believes in or trusts since he is an honest and nice man, but it is sorry to tell that he has been slowly changed by money.

Grace and Pat, who are partners, are the ones that persuaded the two individuals to assist them by paying them back with money. They are wealthy and have abused their authority by controlling everyone, especially those close to them. They are self-centered and only consider themselves.

    Overall, this truly teaches us not to pass snap judgments on individuals and that people may change for either good or negative reasons. I believe that everyone here, especially the students, can identify with this film.

                ~Sir Juls :)

Captivating Museum Experiences: A Journey of Art, History, and Wonder

National Museum of Anthropology

Title: Captivating Museum Experiences: A Journey of Art, History, and Wonder

    Museums, with their awe-inspiring collections and immersive exhibitions, have the power to transport us to different eras, cultures, and artistic realms. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to embark on numerous museum visits, each leaving an indelible mark  on my heart and mind. In this essay, I will recount some of the loveliest museum experiences I have had, where I discovered the magic of art, delved into captivating histories, and experienced moments of wonder and reflection.

The Artistic Masterpieces: One of the most enchanting aspects of museums is encountering breathtaking works of art firsthand. I vividly remember standing in front of Monet's Water Lilies, transfixed by the vibrant colors and serene atmosphere that seemed to transcend reality. The delicate brushstrokes and meticulous attention to detail showcased the artist's genius. Similarly, gazing upon Michelangelo's David, towering in all its marble glory, evoked a sense of awe and appreciation for human creativity. These encounters with masterpieces ignited a profound admiration for the artistic expression that enriches our world.

National Museum of Natural History
Interactive Exhibits: Certain museums excel in creating interactive exhibits that engage visitors on multiple sensory levels. I recall a museum dedicated to science and technology, where I had the opportunity to manipulate hands-on experiments, uncover scientific principles, and witness the wonders of the natural world. Through interactive displays, I gained a deeper understanding of complex concepts, fostering a sense of curiosity and sparking a lifelong interest in science.

Cultural Immersion: Museums often serve as gateways to different cultures and civilizations, providing glimpses into their histories, traditions, and beliefs. Exploring a museum dedicated to ancient civilizations, I marveled at the artifacts that had withstood the test of time. From intricate Egyptian sarcophagi to intricately crafted Mayan pottery, each piece offered a window into the lives of those who came before us. Walking through replicas of ancient marketplaces and listening to stories of ancient civilizations, I felt a profound connection to our shared human heritage.

Museum of Dr. Jose Rizal
    Thought-Provoking Exhibitions: Certain Museum exhibitions are designed to provoke thought and encourage contemplation on significant social issues. I recall visiting a thought-provoking exhibit that highlighted the plight of refugees, using multimedia installations to convey their struggles and resilience. The emotional impact of witnessing their stories firsthand fostered empathy and a deepened understanding of global challenges. Such exhibitions not only educate but also inspire visitors to take action and create positive change in the world.

Architectural Marvels: Some museums are not only treasure troves of art and history but also architectural marvels in their own right. The blend of modern design with historical aesthetics creates an immersive environment that enhances the overall experience. I remember visiting a contemporary art museum with its sleek lines and dramatic spaces, where the architecture itself became an integral part of the artwork, blurring the boundaries between form and function.

    Lovely museum experiences are not merely about viewing objects behind glass; they are transformative journeys that ignite our imagination, broaden our horizons, and evoke profound emotions. From encountering timeless masterpieces to engaging with interactive exhibits, exploring different cultures, and contemplating social issues, museums offer an unparalleled opportunity for personal growth.

                                                                                                                                    ~Sir Juls :)

Celebrating the Remarkable Qualities of My Classmates

Celebrating the Remarkable Qualities of My Classmates

    In the diverse and vibrant realm of academia, I have been fortunate to encounter a remarkable group of individuals who have left an indelible mark on my educational journey. Among them, my classmates have played an invaluable role in shaping my experiences and enriching my understanding. This essay aims to express my deep appreciation for the unique qualities and contributions of my fellow classmates, who have made our shared educational environment a truly exceptional one.

 Intellectual Curiosity: One of the qualities that immediately stands out in my classmates is their relentless intellectual curiosity. Whether it's during class discussions, group projects, or casual conversations, they consistently demonstrate a thirst for knowledge and a genuine passion for learning. Their thought-provoking questions and insightful observations never fail to stimulate engaging conversations and encourage deeper exploration of academic subjects.

Collaborative Spirit: The spirit of collaboration that permeates among my classmates is truly commendable. They understand the power of teamwork and are always willing to offer their support and guidance to fellow students. Whether it's assisting with challenging assignments or sharing study resources, their collaborative approach fosters a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive academically. Together, we have achieved remarkable results through shared efforts, and I am grateful for the sense of camaraderie we have developed.

BSE Social Studies & Science
Diverse Perspectives: One of the most enriching aspects of studying alongside my classmates is the incredible diversity of perspectives they bring to the table. Coming from different cultural, social, and academic backgrounds, they offer a wide range of viewpoints that challenge my own assumptions and broaden my horizons. Through their unique experiences, they help me develop a more nuanced understanding of complex issues, fostering a deeper appreciation for the world's intricacies.

Resilience and Perseverance: In the face of academic challenges and personal setbacks, my classmates have demonstrated unwavering resilience and remarkable perseverance. Their determination to overcome obstacles is truly inspiring, serving as a constant reminder that setbacks are merely steppingstones on the path to success. Their unwavering dedication to their studies and their ability to bounce back from setbacks is a testament to their strength of character and serves as a source of motivation for us all.

Supportive Nature: One of the most cherished qualities of my classmates is their genuinely supportive nature. Whether it's offering a kind word of encouragement during stressful times, lending a helping hand to those in need, or celebrating each other's accomplishments, they consistently create an environment of positivity and support. Their ability to uplift one another contributes to a classroom atmosphere where everyone feels valued, respected, and motivated to achieve their best.

    In conclusion, my classmates are an extraordinary group of individuals who deserve heartfelt appreciation for the remarkable qualities they bring to our shared educational journey. Their intellectual curiosity, collaborative spirit, diverse perspectives, resilience, and supportive nature have not only enhanced my academic experience but also shaped me into a better individual. As we continue to learn and grow together, I am grateful for the privilege of having such incredible classmates, and I eagerly anticipate the future accomplishments we will achieve as a united force.

                                                                                                                        ~Sir Juls :) 

Monday, June 12, 2023

The Love and Appreciation of our Freedom


                               PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE DAY (JUNE 12, 1898)

    The love and appreciation for Philippine Independence Day stem from the deep-rooted emotions and gratitude towards the country's hard-fought freedom. Here are some aspects that contribute to the love and appreciation of Philippine Independence Day:

Historical Significance: Philippine Independence Day marks a pivotal moment in the nation's history. It symbolizes the triumph of the Filipino people over centuries of colonial rule and oppression. The sacrifices made by the national heroes and the resilience of the Filipino spirit are revered and cherished, instilling a sense of pride and appreciation for the hard-won independence.

National Identity and Unity: Independence Day reinforces a shared national identity among Filipinos. It serves as a reminder of the common values, cultural heritage, and collective aspirations that bind the Filipino people together. The celebration of Independence Day fosters a sense of unity, reinforcing the notion that the country's progress and prosperity lie in standing together.

Cultural Pride: The Philippines is known for its rich and diverse culture, which is deeply intertwined with the nation's history. Independence Day celebrations provide a platform to showcase and celebrate the country's unique cultural heritage through parades, traditional dances, music, arts, and crafts. This cultural pride adds to the love and appreciation of Independence Day.

 Gratitude for Freedom: The freedom gained through independence is a cherished gift that Filipinos hold dear. Independence Day serves as a reminder of the liberties, rights, and opportunities that the country and its citizens enjoy. This gratitude for freedom evokes a deep sense of love and appreciation for Independence Day and the sacrifices made to secure it.

Reflection and Progress: Independence Day also encourages reflection on the country's journey since gaining independence. It is an opportunity to evaluate progress, acknowledge challenges, and renew commitments towards a better future. The love and appreciation for Independence Day extend beyond mere celebration to a dedication to nation-building, social progress, and inclusive development.

 National Pride and Patriotism: Independence Day fuels national pride and patriotism among Filipinos. It is a day to display the Philippine flag, wear traditional attire, and participate in activities that promote love for the country. The expression of national pride and patriotism strengthens the bond between citizens and their homeland.

 Family and Community Traditions: Independence Day often brings families and communities together to celebrate. Generations pass down stories, traditions, and cultural practices associated with Independence Day, fostering a sense of belonging and love for the occasion. It is a time for bonding, reconnecting, and reinforcing family and community ties.

    The love and appreciation of Philippine Independence Day are deeply rooted in the shared history, cultural heritage, national identity, and the sense of gratitude for the freedom attained. It is a day that inspires Filipinos to reflect, unite, celebrate, and work towards a brighter future for the country and its people.

                                                                                                                                              ~Sir Juls

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Movie Reflection: Accepted

             Stand on what you believe and do the best you can be!

     The first movie that made me aware of certain previously unnoticed viewpoints in this society was "ACCEPTED (2006)". Everything in this movie was accurate to our society's reality. The challenge faced by certain high school students who did not graduate with a strong high school grade and were therefore not eligible to begin their academic careers at any universities was made clear. I could relate to them since I knew everyone wanted to attend college. Nobody wants to perform poorly in high school. Their skills were insufficient for those esteemed universities, despite the fact that they had applied to several colleges. 
     Since I knew that everyone wanted to attend college, I felt a sense of empathy for them. Nobody wants to have a poor high school performance. Even though they had applied to several universities, their skills were insufficient for admission to those elite institutions. Essentially, all of the key characters in this film portrayed students who had been denied admission to colleges and had failed their families. In particular, in "Bartleby" the man had a brilliant idea. Incorporating with his colleagues, he established this fictitious college to deceive his parents. Making their parents proud of them is what kids want most, as can be shown. The things we can do to make parents proud of us for the rest of our lives include going to college, earning a degree, and getting a well-paying job. Although they encountered numerous difficulties when they first started college on their own, they never gave up. I also discovered the value of friendship and the criticality of effective collaboration. From the beginning to the finish, all of the key characters made an effort to work together to address any issues. It goes without saying that if we have a desire and are willing to strive, we can achieve anything. In addition, Bartleby is a considerate, helpful, and responsible individual.
     In terms of education, I can say that this movie showed the two types of schools or universities, the one representing the academic is very important rather than anything else. While the other one showed that every student must feel freedom and equality in school. It also has two different curricula that make me feel excited. This movie tells us that we need to look for our students, ask them and understand how they want to learn and apply it systematically so that they will love to study. One thing about this movie is how they used digital technology in academics. The power of technology can help us in our studies and help to build a good community. Always remember that we can use technology for a good thing by using it moderately.

    Overall, I thought This movie was fantastic since it thought me more about society and I gained a lot of insight from all the key characters. To help my friends and family notice things they might have missed, it is worthwhile to show them this video. I believe it has many crucial lessons for young people. First of all, this film exhorts viewers to celebrate their diversity, originality, and uniqueness. 

"Success is the sum of efforts, repeated. Great going!" ~ Sir Juls :) 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Portfolio Assessment: A Clear View of Life-Long Learning

        A portfolio assessment is often deemed an authentic form of assessment because it includes authentic samples of a student's work. Many advocates of the portfolio assessment argue that this makes it a superior assessment tool because it demonstrates learning and growth over an extended period.

    I believe that portfolio assessments are particularly real since they reflect a sampling of students' greatest work as well as their life experiences, beliefs, and accomplishments. The portfolio also compiles each student's accomplishments, abilities, experiences, and characteristics. According to the article I read, a portfolio may highlight your skills and what you have to offer in the industry you have chosen while not replacing a resume or curriculum vitae.

I listed here the 3 benefits of portfolio assessment for students:
1. Encourage student reflection on their learning.
2. Help teachers determine whether students can apply what they have learned to new problems and different subject areas; and 
3. Students improve their metacognition; it's made them to be critical thinkers.

     In conclusion, as both teachers and students may profit from portfolio assessments, they should constantly be practiced and used. When students participate in engaging activities or assessments, teachers may help them become better versions of themselves in their daily lives.

                                                                                                                    ~Sir Juls :)

Monday, May 8, 2023

ad astra per aspera

                                                                 -Digital Jero

            Always keep in mind why you started whatever you're doing, even if you feel like you're losing sight of where you are in the sea of life right now. You just need to take a short break if the answer to your question suggests you must succeed. But if your conscience tells you you're no longer interested in it, it's time to go to another sea.

            Accept the idea that not everyone will be successful down the same road. And the majority of the time, it's OK to change course and discover what you truly want out of life. From there, taste the bittersweet taste of difficulty, and your drive and tenacity will soon propel you to the stars. Remember in your heart and mind that through hardships our dream will lead to the stars we want. 

""Success is the sum of efforts, repeated. Great going!" ~ Sir Juls :) 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

WorkEducator- Smile

        I just want to say that, despite having a lot of challenges that we are facing in everyday life, we must strive and look forward to the better of it. As a working student, I've realized that we cannot be a success if we're not going to exert some effort to make our dream come through. Putting smiles on our faces while doing the challenges can help to lessen the burdens that we feel. 

"Success is the sum of efforts, repeated. Great going!"


  Exploring the Journey of Practice Teaching As I embark on this journey of practice teaching, I am filled with a mix of excitement and appr...